The Beauty of Flight

I have to block it out of my mind. All the people out there are seated and watching. I try so hard to forget and to pretend that I am dancing in a meadow where tall green grasses grow in the vast wide open spaces, and the sun shines brightly, glowing of radiance that seems magical. It is the most beautiful feeling in the whole world. My entire body comes alive with breathing and passions. My spirit roars of dynamic anxiety. Heart pounding against the deep breaths of a tall tale. The only thing true in this moment is that words have not yet been invented that well enough explain this sound experience. I am overwhelmed with emotion. I want to cry and sing and laugh and scream all at once, all at the same time.

My body is alive, and frantically, I breathe again to take the moment as it comes, and to grasp a hold of it as though to never let go. Time resets itself, and I find myself am ready to take on the new challenges of another number. What awaits is time.

The stage is the most beautiful of all places in the whole world. Its platform is infinite and anything is possible. Every dream can be realised as a revealed reality. Doors of the body and mind and heart and soul open up to express a degree of insanity that is a frightening bliss endeavored by ones own content. I am humbled upon that stage. I find myself to be unworthy and inadequate of its gifts and blessings. What have I done that I should have placed upon me this immaculate foundation by which I am able to show the world the contents of my heart in this way? Who am I that I should be seen in the true lights of a stage's glory? I am undeserving.

I wish that I could hold on to that moment forever. When the objects of time and space are nothing compared to the gift of freedom of expression in a world of windows to call my home. My body succumbs to the ambience of the arena that enraptures me.

We were born to fly. See as our feet rise above the ground and the crown of our head remains in the heavens from where forth we come. Daring to challenge the push of gravity, we reject the force by pulling ourselves up out of the bounds of this earth and becoming the dreams that depict the pinnacle of every imagination known to man. The quintessence, we are, as we break free from the limits that reality has set before us; we live the dream for all to see. We tell the stories of long forgotten places in time and space where we rested in the heavens, of the stars, and glowed in luminescence as our beauty resounds. Weightlessly, we spread our wings and fly as willows in the wind. We are the inhabitants of Eden's Garden of Eve, where the forbidden fruit is of no temptation, for we have what no others have known to gain. We have wings, and wind beneath those wings, as we have she who has taught us to fly.

Welcome to our world; the great garden where all things are free to be beautiful, and all beauties are free to be known in the ambience of the rainbow by which fire and water radiently create in love. The music speaks, and we listen, and respond accordingly, telling tales to be interpreted only by he who knows the language of art holy name. Here we are of one body and mind and spirit, dancing in unision, where we knowingly belong together, in the promised land, where in this holy temple we are protected by the music keeper, who conducts our instruments as a choir potent in the form of an ultra-dimensional capacity, long lost to the forsaken dream of mans own kind.

We are the presentation of the beginning of a never-ending sequence, coming to terms with the reality of a dream coming true. We are the chosen ones, as the beacons of hope to light the new way to the transcendence. Watch as the candle burns, and at the end of the wick, like magic, your hearts become like the candle stick, as we will set on fire the ignition of a pasison that only love can create. In your hearts we shall live forever.