
She remains a daunting mystery. The stunning princess that lives in her own world and dwells by her own authority. The fair young maiden maintains a high caliber of elegance and refined sophistication in her early years. She tells stories of whimsical nonchalance with her eyes, and seems so ambient and serene, floating like a portrait in motion, and glides of a stoic nature, as thought she believed that somehow, the world revolved around her, and that she was the center of all being. Her expressions are mellow, yet amusing, as the sort of melodrama that would captivate an audience intrigued by more than the mere golden glow of her beauty, in the heir of confidence that she carries through time travels with her. She becomes relevant to the dance by the classic distinction of an individuality that is soft spoken, yet, of a defined clarity and resounding appeal of sculptural aesthetics.

This angelic being dances from the core of her entirety, with an energetic and forceful strength. She poises indefinitely and balances in any position of the dance given to her, as though time were standing still. Her strength is of character and the controlled ability to be defined by the capture of one moment at a time, through the framework of a fantastic existence. The greatest strength that she possesses is in her wind, spinning and turning multiples over in the circumference of her own spaces. The mellow demeanor of our celestial is indebted to the mere humility of her presence. Soft spoken, yet radiantly glowing with a vitality that surges through from her sturdy core, she smiles with her hypnotic eyes that seem to re-assure the world that when the wind blows there is hope that it will bring with it the courage to withstand the revolution of a generation of new days defined by the gravity by which one twirls on its axis. She was born to fly, and she soars in all of her glory when she becomes like the wind and reminds us all that true strength is of a true heart.

Imagine the perfect ballerina. She has bright eyes of innocence and a girlish smile that radiates like a burning flame. Her form is comprised of long and delicate lines of a lean and petite frame of moderate tone. A soft voice resounds from the demeanor of the coy brilliance of a well-delivered attitude; charming. Exquisitely, she uncurls her extensions to an impressive height, and with precision of form she displays an absolute sense of central balance. She adorns herself in the simplicity of a ponytail, and the pretty frills of a pink tutu bounces in harmony with her keen silhouette as she leaps with strong and turned out legs and a pair of pointed toes that land gracefully into a soft plie. Adeptly prepared for the performance of her life at any given time, she remains constantly refined in the goodness of a sturdy posture in showcase of a proud neckline and a head held high.

The bright and bubbly super-girl is an infinite strength of menacing surprises and bursting personality. Always up for a challenge, and involved with everything. The inquisitive nature of the go-getter is that which asserts her drive to grasp a hold of anything that is set before her as she dares to go after it, and to conquer it with the means of her self-stature. Physically, she is unrestrained, as there seems to be nothing that the fearless fighter would hesitate to take on. Enforced by the charismatic character of a leader, she is one to warm her way into the hearts of those whom she approaches in her own way of contagious joy. Light-hearted and free-spirited, the only thing that she takes seriously is the task at hand.