Courage to Fly

Doubt and uncertainty are our greatest weaknesses as mankind; they are the obstacles that stand in our way, and the enemies that hold us back as we refrain from choosing to go forth and to choose to proceed. That called ambiguity in the state of our dualistic nature as human beings, is that which causes us to wage war in a polar-driven state of internal feuding. The rigidity that we experience in such a state is called this doubt that becomes the means by which our bodies are stiffened and our souls are hardened, as our minds remain in a lost and static state, refusing to choose to move beyond that which, of this aspect, en-cages, traps, and enslaves us to it. This is that which is called fear.

To turn out, then, is to let go and rise above and beyond by opening up to the world and shedding all inhibitions and fears that are characteristic of the laws of our human nature. To turn out is to overcome the obstacles of fear, and in doing so, to reject the very limitations of our core humanity, by turning to that very same core as a central force of relativity for a immaculate and divine strength that, with the control and discipline of a trained practice, we may gain the ability to become more than the staple of a mere human being.

“Our greatest fear is not that we are inadequate, but that we are powerful beyond measure.” (Marianne Williamson) When we learn to turn out, perfectly, we become fearless and doubtless, and we set our spirits free so that as we learn to fly, finally, we can become more than human, we become dancer. “Are we human, or are we dancer” (The Killers). Remember that all things conceived within the mind are positively possible, for, the mind cannot conceive that which it has never seen. Yet, conceptions are only attained if one believes faithfully, and with conviction, that it is possible. Believe in the freedom of the turnout, and fearlessly dare to deft your doubt.

You see, because of the supernatural abilities comprised of the unnatural (supernatural) turnout by which ballet would not exist without, we can fly. We can gain the ability to resist the bounds on a habitational gravity, and become one with the wind by which we can fly and soar.

It is like the most unnatural and supernatural thing in the world, simply so, to have a turn out.  The alignment of our entire bodily frames must be altered, shifted, and redirected toward the core.  Yet, only in order to pull away from that core do we seek to gain control of it, once established.  Our distinctive ambition is to elevate up, up, and away, whilst turning out.  It is exactly like the bloom of a flower; the petals or muscles of our core open up, and gracefully extend upward and outward in order to create the fluid motion that is such a necessity to this dynamic scope of artistic measure.  The turnout is the foundation of this essentially inspired truth called the ballet.  Faithfully so, we endure the course of time with pursuit to master this trademark, in full belief that we are preparing to fly.