Friday, August 20, 2010

Avenue Sovereign

In My Story, She Dances, as the Avenue Sovereign. The heroic tale of the great child, who has come to inspire truth and change of hearts within the world, embracing the gift of amusement and musing though music and dance, she embodies the mysterious formula of perfection as she fly’s through the air weightlessly in the element of ballet. The fluid fairy-like whimsical creature is the most beautiful, dauntingly, as she, like a ray of light, bursts through clouds of darkness to illuminate the night with her prismatic rainbow spectrum. She is the hope for the new revolution of the evolutionary continuum. She is the emancipated freedom of the spirit. She is the butterfly. The rainbow lives as she does, as she dances. She is the first to come, and prepares the way, leading many more toward this way of light and life and love.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Avenue Sovereign

Avenue Sovereign is a story of the universal language that is art, but even more distinctly, that is music and dancing. This story teaches that the human race has founded within itself so many boundaries that separate each other. We are divided by time and space and the cultural, historical, social, and racial differences create in us a wall that is difficult to cross. Because we lack understanding, there is an inability to effectively communicate beyond our bounds of knowledge. Avenue Sovereign is a story of the pure freedom of music, expressed through dancing, both as universal languages and as a universal way to communicate and to express. This story, of something more beautiful than words are able to describe, is a story of movement. The will to infuse the world with unity and to showcase the power of freedom through submission to the music as an inspired truth, is the message of this new wave. The light of the world is in the ability of people to choose to see beyond the painted illusion of flesh and fabric, as none more than fashion and fad, to gain the ability to see the power of the living source of energy that connects all of us as inter-solar relatives. If we all dance, if we all sing one song, then, somehow, we would once more find a common ground, something to share, and something to believe in together. There are no words to describe this message. Words would only be more of a hindrance. The only way to share this message with the world is to inspire it, and to infuse within its people a spark of light that, once illumined, will be sure to pass on for generations. No longer, says the new message, are we called to be grounded. We are called to fly. Believe in magic and soar. Avenue Sovereign is a gift of ultimate freedom.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

I dance to give all my secrets a way.  Ballet is my way to the sacred truth.  For me it is the only way and there is no other way.  It is all that I know, the way to my heart and everything that I believe in.  For this, I sacrifice everything on the path to the great dance.  It is the ballet that has touched my spirit the most.  Teaching me the sacred tools I need in order to master the great communication skill of dancing.  I'll never give up, because this gift has been consecrated, and it is mine for the taking.  I dance because the music compels and inspires and gives life.  It is the only thing of this world that can prove the message of universal truth.  For, in music, there are no boundaries, no lines, no walls, there is only the invincible wavelength that passes through our own cores to touch our very souls, and to become a part of us forever.  Music has this way about it, like a spirit that merges to become one with any given soul at any time; it does not ask to be accepted, it lives because it is the great acceptance.  I love music, and for this reason I dance.  I have a vision that someday, I will dance, and all of those who are there to stand witness to my exodus, and movement, and freedom, will understand the power of my message to all.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Superhuman, ha!  Surely and certainly there is nothing superhuman about me.  For I am just a girl, born into this world.  Oh, but the story that I will tell, although immensely natural and of all the most supreme laws of the universe, is a supernatural inspired story that will showcase a certain truth that I have come to know.  Born to dance, are we all, for greater than our human form is the supernatural supreme gift of freedom that lives deep within all of us.  Born to fly, I truly do believe, just as we are born of the stars, children of the universe, our evolution is far from complete.  It has just begun.  We are just beginning.  I have no doubt that our human race is infantile in comparison to the capabilities that live within us.  Just as the universe is ever expanding, we are ever evolving.  The youthful human race is only the beginning.  The form made most perfect like a square, most symmetrical like something only heaven can create, is the epitome of only the foundation of the universe.  We are the core... and from the root of this seed will grow new branches.  Behold the future.  The story that I will tell will finally liberate the wings of all fallen angels that dwell upon the earth.