Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Superhuman, ha!  Surely and certainly there is nothing superhuman about me.  For I am just a girl, born into this world.  Oh, but the story that I will tell, although immensely natural and of all the most supreme laws of the universe, is a supernatural inspired story that will showcase a certain truth that I have come to know.  Born to dance, are we all, for greater than our human form is the supernatural supreme gift of freedom that lives deep within all of us.  Born to fly, I truly do believe, just as we are born of the stars, children of the universe, our evolution is far from complete.  It has just begun.  We are just beginning.  I have no doubt that our human race is infantile in comparison to the capabilities that live within us.  Just as the universe is ever expanding, we are ever evolving.  The youthful human race is only the beginning.  The form made most perfect like a square, most symmetrical like something only heaven can create, is the epitome of only the foundation of the universe.  We are the core... and from the root of this seed will grow new branches.  Behold the future.  The story that I will tell will finally liberate the wings of all fallen angels that dwell upon the earth.

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