Friday, May 28, 2010


My life’s ambition is to showcase a way of life, and to become a living example of everything that I believe in and stand for. I hope to be blessed to become an inspiration for the future of my world in this interpersonal role of leadership through the display of finite character. As a role model, I will be given this opportunity to present myself to the general public as I am and as I choose to be. In this scope of framework I will certainly be called to prove with honor the integrity of my owned character. The greatest course of life that one can take on is to be challenged by the questionable uncertainties and renowned depth of an inevitable ambiguity.

In acquiring an ongoing knowledge, I think that it is equally important to share the secrets of the mind, and to distribute the range of enlightenment to all who are willing to listen and learn. It is the age of information, and people are more open to their self-progression though the empowerment of knowledge now more than ever. I intend to use as many means available to me as possible in order to share the acquired wisdom of my ongoing years. This may include a range of mediums from books to internet formats of periodical publications.

I find freedom of expression and the physical emancipation of creative declarations of self. I must showcase my ideal concept of self and project the image that I have come to believe in and own throughout the course of my lifetime as I propel into the future. This is emphatically the most important aspect of my planning because it gives me access to an undeniable truth that serves to act as my personal identity in constant revelation of my ideas and concepts of life.

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