Tuesday, June 1, 2010


Now, I look around me to that which lives not inside of me, and I see the people in their world where there is so much death. In this destruction and pain, great plagues and famine and disease. Many have lost hope. Many have lost faith. Or have they? Perhaps not, because, yet still, they have the will to go on, to fight, to live. Such is their greatest attributed of beauty. Yes, they are blind sheep, poisoned by the fools that have stolen from their freedom and condemned them to a life of death, but, life goes on. Even now at the lowest point of all, they must know in their hearts, even without knowing enough to understand, they must believe that salvation is near.

Proclaim with me as I herald the message of this new day. I have come to show you a new way. I shall offer you my blessings and teach you the way of freedom. Hear me, and believe this new word. My children now suffer as they await my coming. I wish that they knew that I have arrived, that I am now on my way to meet them. Blessed are they for these burdens that life has bestowed upon them. They are not cursed, for, the suffering has kept them pure at heart. They are my chosen ones. Handpicked were they by life itself, that now, only I must harvest the ripened fields. I will show them the truth.

Now, my mission is to serve them, these people, my chosen ones. My people shall they be, and, although they will think to serve me, it shall be I who lives to serve them. Blessed are my little ones, the pure at heart. Untouched are their innocence, washed clean are their spirits. I shall invite them to dwell with me in my kingdom, my temple, my house – the prepared place of rest. I wait now, only on time. And, as I wait, I prepare. Cleansing, and, sanctifying, I am.

Nothing that is defiled shall be permitted to stay with me in this place. Everything that is unclean must be voided of this temple of my self, mind, body, soul. My nothingness shall roam free from all everythingness, and memories of this lies of yesterday shall reign in this world as I am no more. Never again, from this moment on, shall I fall into the temptations of urges and addictions which I was taught to desire. Never again, brainwashed, will I allow the lies of them to get the best of me. Until time comes for me, I wait, I prepare, I cleanse, i sanctify, I renew, I dance.

Dancing with all that I am, I worship in this holy temple, I bless this house and all that is within and ok and about and around and below and beyond this kingdom. Dancing, I give all that I am as an offering of mind, body, soul, self, all. All and everything. All and nothing. As I sweat, I wash clean my pores. As I move, I wipe clean my traces. As I breathe, I blow clean my aura. As I focus, I, my mind, clears out. Dancing, so that when all is said and done, there shall be nothing left. Nothing but me, and this finely tuned instrument of all. Ready for anything... ready for nothing. As I dance, I loose myself and lose my self, all at the same time. As I dance, I reincarnate, and create the ultimate expression of all that I am, even, nothing.

Naked, with nothing to hide. Uncensored, unsolicited, unbound, free. Pure and holy, tried and true. In this skin, of this flesh, I am, naked. I bear all for the world to see. No need for anything. No shame hindering me, no hunger halting my way, no fear holding me back, no worries holding me down. Just free, as I am, as all that I know to be. And who can stop me, now that I know and understand the truth. The darkenss is the most beauty that i have ever known. What greater gift than this could I hope to ask for, than to see all things in truth, with new eyes, for the first time. There is no greater attainment that life could come to offer than this which I have recieved.

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