Wednesday, June 16, 2010

The Rolling Rock

“You know about rock and roll. Its like the legends tell, about, the balls that keep on rolling, the wheels that keep spinning, the stones that never stop tumbling, falling, running, running, running. Rocks never die. And, the legend continues.”

How deeply the sunshine that glows over thee? From seas to sea how deeply, reflections of me? I crumble in remnance of pain beyond despair. Alas, I ask, how deeply mine soul hurt when it tears.  One kiss of death, one breath of life. One moment of grief, beyond worst of strife. Desperately wanting to cry out, lips frozen. Anxiously waiting forth-new dawn, t’was chosen. Raging and roaring, mine oceans tides roaring. Emotions like thunderous storms, yet, truths unfolding.  Truth be told, how deeply my cries. As darkness engulfs the depth of my eyes. To stand alone, and know life is dear. Yet, plea to the heavens, death take me from here.  How deeply, how deeply, My love for thine life. To give up my own, thus, running from strife.

In the cycle of life and death, There is a beginning, and there is an end.  For every end, there is a new beginning.  For every new beginning, there will be an end.  In life, the only constant is change... An ever-repetitious cycle of birth, growth,  Failure, fulfillment, and, death.  But even unto death, there is no end...Only a new beginning.

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