Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Purity of Rain

When it rains and storms, waterfalls from the sky and splashes where if meets the ground. Thunder rumbles and growls in the heavens and lightening gives the stage effect of flashes in the dark. Drama! The wind blows and rustles its madness through the threshold of the trees. When it rains, the wind is so cool and fresh, refreshingly so, the air is crisp and clean, tempting that you breathe deeply. The gray skies are the fall of darkness upon us as all of the heaviness stored up in those clouds rapidly come down and drape the tall trees in an aquatic solution of bliss. The clarifying showers become a mist of cocktailed sounds like random singing yet in synchronicity, listen to hear the claps, stomps, gasps, laughter, cheers, thumping heartbeats racing like the attack of excitement. It’s Music! Dance; to the sound of the muse called rain. Bathe in the puddles of water that settle at our feet as we move madly and carelessly in the freedom of the beating drums. 

Ahh! The screams of madness sound off blazing through the night. The illusion of stillness has fused and faded to the visionary compulsive movement of water. Electricity! Thunderous applause. Standing ovation of thrusting wind blown bushes of forest trees that are only silhouetted for my eyes to glare toward in awe and wonder. Drama, I tell you! The sensation of an energy-filled compilation of climax, orgasmic, so, sensationally, is riveting. Roaring waves of sound off straight to the core of my bones and beyond, blistering with heavy breathing, and a pounding heart, thumping veins almost visible to the watchful naked eye, intently so, adrenal glands surging with activity. Eyes lit up, widely so, aware of the madness around. Primal screams they become, the thriller.

Laugh, cry, tremble, be chilled and draped in goosebumps. Come face to face with your fears, be enthralled with joy, feel our pain, overwhelmingly. Gasp, and lose your breath at the command of our active motives to addict you to your own virtual desires for our body of work. Our bodies at work, working overtime and all the time, timelessly, without concern for the concept of time, for our object is the creative process, as we are creatively so, creating… magic. Observe our magic show, and surely you will ask, by the end of the performance, as though you are certain that we have the answer to all of your paranoid questions of a schizophrenic delusions, attached and trapped to our universe of surrealism, “You art in heaven?”

Open your eyes and look to see the answers to that which you have requested to know. There are no easy answers to all of that and so much more. Yet, behold, the answer to the secrets of the heavens are among you, beyond your quest for worded statement of validation. Observe the trans-en-dance, and know. Feel the rain on your face. Taste the rain on your lips. Drink from the cup that we set before you, and become one with the purely untainted madness of the natural bliss that is the work of the rainmakers masterful hands. Rise above yourselves in the captivity of our realm. Come as you are and embrace this fantasy, world of dreams. Set your mind free and imagine that we are the reality.

In the presence of this network that is our freedom, you cant help but to rise above, in gratuitous hunger and desperate desires and craving to uncontrollably ask for more, that you might share with us this feast at our table. In this world of never ending extending heights of the extenuating high that only the special breed of endorphins can afford you, don’t think of us as a deadly addictive drug. Imagine that our stimulants are called Love, and is life giving, as we will provide inspiration, preserve your vitality, and offer you a faithful hope that in this world is known to be the most pure goodness of a storm-filled outpouring of mad rain, comes only to purify the earth, to refresh the thirsting, to adorn the garden with an upspring of bouquets. We are the harmony. We are the symphony. We are the Children of the Rain Maker.
"As I spread my wings and prepare to fly, I claim that I will soar, high, traveling far and wide amidst the heavens that dwells and roams with my free spirit."

Friday, August 20, 2010

Avenue Sovereign

In My Story, She Dances, as the Avenue Sovereign. The heroic tale of the great child, who has come to inspire truth and change of hearts within the world, embracing the gift of amusement and musing though music and dance, she embodies the mysterious formula of perfection as she fly’s through the air weightlessly in the element of ballet. The fluid fairy-like whimsical creature is the most beautiful, dauntingly, as she, like a ray of light, bursts through clouds of darkness to illuminate the night with her prismatic rainbow spectrum. She is the hope for the new revolution of the evolutionary continuum. She is the emancipated freedom of the spirit. She is the butterfly. The rainbow lives as she does, as she dances. She is the first to come, and prepares the way, leading many more toward this way of light and life and love.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Avenue Sovereign

Avenue Sovereign is a story of the universal language that is art, but even more distinctly, that is music and dancing. This story teaches that the human race has founded within itself so many boundaries that separate each other. We are divided by time and space and the cultural, historical, social, and racial differences create in us a wall that is difficult to cross. Because we lack understanding, there is an inability to effectively communicate beyond our bounds of knowledge. Avenue Sovereign is a story of the pure freedom of music, expressed through dancing, both as universal languages and as a universal way to communicate and to express. This story, of something more beautiful than words are able to describe, is a story of movement. The will to infuse the world with unity and to showcase the power of freedom through submission to the music as an inspired truth, is the message of this new wave. The light of the world is in the ability of people to choose to see beyond the painted illusion of flesh and fabric, as none more than fashion and fad, to gain the ability to see the power of the living source of energy that connects all of us as inter-solar relatives. If we all dance, if we all sing one song, then, somehow, we would once more find a common ground, something to share, and something to believe in together. There are no words to describe this message. Words would only be more of a hindrance. The only way to share this message with the world is to inspire it, and to infuse within its people a spark of light that, once illumined, will be sure to pass on for generations. No longer, says the new message, are we called to be grounded. We are called to fly. Believe in magic and soar. Avenue Sovereign is a gift of ultimate freedom.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

I dance to give all my secrets a way.  Ballet is my way to the sacred truth.  For me it is the only way and there is no other way.  It is all that I know, the way to my heart and everything that I believe in.  For this, I sacrifice everything on the path to the great dance.  It is the ballet that has touched my spirit the most.  Teaching me the sacred tools I need in order to master the great communication skill of dancing.  I'll never give up, because this gift has been consecrated, and it is mine for the taking.  I dance because the music compels and inspires and gives life.  It is the only thing of this world that can prove the message of universal truth.  For, in music, there are no boundaries, no lines, no walls, there is only the invincible wavelength that passes through our own cores to touch our very souls, and to become a part of us forever.  Music has this way about it, like a spirit that merges to become one with any given soul at any time; it does not ask to be accepted, it lives because it is the great acceptance.  I love music, and for this reason I dance.  I have a vision that someday, I will dance, and all of those who are there to stand witness to my exodus, and movement, and freedom, will understand the power of my message to all.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Superhuman, ha!  Surely and certainly there is nothing superhuman about me.  For I am just a girl, born into this world.  Oh, but the story that I will tell, although immensely natural and of all the most supreme laws of the universe, is a supernatural inspired story that will showcase a certain truth that I have come to know.  Born to dance, are we all, for greater than our human form is the supernatural supreme gift of freedom that lives deep within all of us.  Born to fly, I truly do believe, just as we are born of the stars, children of the universe, our evolution is far from complete.  It has just begun.  We are just beginning.  I have no doubt that our human race is infantile in comparison to the capabilities that live within us.  Just as the universe is ever expanding, we are ever evolving.  The youthful human race is only the beginning.  The form made most perfect like a square, most symmetrical like something only heaven can create, is the epitome of only the foundation of the universe.  We are the core... and from the root of this seed will grow new branches.  Behold the future.  The story that I will tell will finally liberate the wings of all fallen angels that dwell upon the earth.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

The Movement

Because the light lives within the darkness.... When I dance, it is because I am free. And, I lose my mind. I find my soul. I discover my self in that moment of freedom. I become one as I merge, body and soul, into the place of dreams... the place without thought. I dance because I am the dance. Through the feeling, the sound, the rhythm, I become the movement. In the ultimate expression of life, through the phenomena called darkness, I am the dance.

I dance forever. I travel the entire world and dance to the rhythm of every language. I have nothing but my feet, my wings, my fairy tales, my pixie dust. I am free, and I dance. Nothing else matters. Not food, nor clothing, nor shelter. Innocently, naievely, freely, I do not know need. I the light live to dance with darkness, and, rainbow I become. Unbound, like a new born, of new eyes, and a new heart, pure, I am.

The Rock

Hers is the timeless empire, and she reigns over the estate of the limitless bounds of the abyss.  Within her she holds the secrets once thought to be lost, and she remembers to find the answers to the mysteries of heaven and earth.  She holds the key to the past, present, and future.  She is the pure vessel that carries the living water within her virtuous chastity.

The beauty of her tranquil face is a perfection that is astounding and perfectly so, she is the adored detail of enamored radiance and statuesque silhouette.She sits proudly upon her throne in the heavens, adorning the earth in glowing majesty as her regal aura tells the story of triumph, in the illumination of her fullness, she is victorious over the darkness.  Absorption of the sun becomes her.  She is the Queen of the Night.

The golden beauty inspires the earth and is inspired by the sun.  The energy of her allure is hypnotic and contagious among the stars.  She is the Star of the Sea, governing the darkness by her capsule of light that she conceives as her own, and carries with her in the honored truth and dignity of her heart.  Her image is the guardianship of wisdom; the immortal form of nurturing precision, governing the darkness in the way of truth in the light.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

The Grand Arc

We were playing fairy games of dances in the garden amongst the fliers and the flowers.  the serene meadow was near a pristine body of running water.  She danced and leapt over to me on the tips of her toes and twirled.  with out-stretched arms and the bow of gracious virtue, she embraced the pure fluid within her cupped hands, and reached to the heavens.  Suddenly, she released the grip of her grasp and the water fell from the clear sky, like a fountain of sprinkling spries.  She then looked into me with clear and welcoming eyes that glittered with radiance, and her effervescent smile was as bright as the sun that lights the abounded celestial horizons.

Aged gracefully, like a fine wine of the vineyard, and of the most aromatic fragrant mists in the oxygen of the fresh breezing winds as they blow within her garden, constantly, she is refreshed by the supply of the good green grapes to filler her cup with.  She vigilantly whispers as the voice of the wind, precise instructions to her methodic remedy, as the recipe for refinement of aesthetic perfection.  One can only give what one owns and knows to distribute accordingly.  She is the superb distinction.  Pure, she is the rainmaker.  Timeless is her wisdom.  Her art is golden like the antique chalice of her blessed virgin vessel. 

Her window, in the image of a woman standing upon a tall and pointed pillar, show that her arms are outstretched to her delicate finger tips in the shape of the magical oh chi circulation of energy. The golden yellow glow as the aura of the sun that lives within her shines in to greet her and surrounds the silhouette of her rainbow coloured body of flower petals that extend below her hips and act as a foundation from which her transparent wings found just below her shoulders extend upward and outward in preparation for the transcendance (trans-en-dance).

Her long neck holds her head high, as she carries the crown of time, the wisdom of the changing moon, and the enlightenment of the sun.  Her days are green, as she sees only the goodness of the earth.  An open heart and open mind meet to match her open arms that are outstretched to welcome the children into her prismatic aura of vibrant rainbow glows.  On the blades of either shoulder sits the pair of reflective stars that sit in polarity within the heavens.  One of the east and one of the west are her counterparts.  The stars amongst her are mobile, in motion, with gusts of electricity behind them, as though filled with surges of lightning energy.  They are being fired upward and together, toward a collision in the center of her crown, where they meet in perfect harmonic balance of syncronicity.

Like an open door to a world of windows, she infinitely expands the dimension of the realm by which we exist through the reciprocation of the one truth.  Open to accept that which is coming, in faith and hope and love, she is the symbol of the water that flows and brings with it new life, washing away the remains of death, as the water flows to become an opening toward the coming of the birth of a greater day.  She shows that truly we are all one being boundlessly interconnected by the ray of light within us as unique entities expressing the one being that we are. 

She is a symbol of positivly conductive energy toward the ongoing influence of an inspired creativity, representative of a unified people toward the common objective of expressing the beauty of the universal truth by which and for which we have all been created.  It is the overcoming of all obstacles as her arms outstretch up to te boundless heavens, and gives hope for life and light and love in the flow of energy in this window of water.  In this way, we all stand to become free, as we establish a unity in order to serve the purpose of that freedom.  It is because of this truth that we have established a central home based from which to dwell, and it is because of this reality that we are inspired to magic, in the flow by which we are called one. 

The Rolling Rock

“You know about rock and roll. Its like the legends tell, about, the balls that keep on rolling, the wheels that keep spinning, the stones that never stop tumbling, falling, running, running, running. Rocks never die. And, the legend continues.”

How deeply the sunshine that glows over thee? From seas to sea how deeply, reflections of me? I crumble in remnance of pain beyond despair. Alas, I ask, how deeply mine soul hurt when it tears.  One kiss of death, one breath of life. One moment of grief, beyond worst of strife. Desperately wanting to cry out, lips frozen. Anxiously waiting forth-new dawn, t’was chosen. Raging and roaring, mine oceans tides roaring. Emotions like thunderous storms, yet, truths unfolding.  Truth be told, how deeply my cries. As darkness engulfs the depth of my eyes. To stand alone, and know life is dear. Yet, plea to the heavens, death take me from here.  How deeply, how deeply, My love for thine life. To give up my own, thus, running from strife.

In the cycle of life and death, There is a beginning, and there is an end.  For every end, there is a new beginning.  For every new beginning, there will be an end.  In life, the only constant is change... An ever-repetitious cycle of birth, growth,  Failure, fulfillment, and, death.  But even unto death, there is no end...Only a new beginning.

Who Is She

Who is she, and where did she come from?  in perfect harmony, she salutes me.  In perfect symmetry, she stands still.  Her clear, welcoming eyes, I stare through, hoping to catch a glimpse of something special.  But there is nothing.  Nothing moves, nothing flutters.  Aside from the twinkle of her inner light, there is nothing; just silence, just darkness.  Wait!  I see now.  A watchman.  Lurking, waiting, gazing.  On this sweet body, sea breezed and sun kissed.  Who would dare to disrupt the peace of this beautiful, quaint, statuesque art of she?  Classical!  As if composed by Mozart himself.  But, then I forget, and then, I remember.  Such beauty cannot go on without a watchman.  Evils are of the world, and its quest is to conquer all things that are good.  If she is not protected, the distorted will make this beauty void.  Perhaps this is why such beauty is so aloof; so cold on this summer's night.  behold, such beauty glows!  As if an angel's white light were upon us.  But, now, in the darkness, she stands alone.  Guarded by the watchmen.  Something special, I see, indeed.  An angel who forgot that she could fly.

Hers is a great castle.  It is the fortress that has been built upon the foundation by which there is no condemnation.  the place that she owns is the sacred realm where dreams live as truth.  In the divine garden, there are silent waters that run deeply throughout the earth, and the flow is far and wide, breathing baby's breaths of a timeless nature.

She Dances, like a miracles set forth by the Gods and All authority in the heavens.  Like a bird, through the clouds, weightlessly, she leaps through the nothingness as if it were everything.  She Dances, in all of the mystical mysteries that creates splendour and wonder and armour.  In the glowing of the full moon, she lights up the darkest night.  She become the angel of beauty and brightness and brings as blessings this offering to all who lay their eyes to rest, as She Dances.  She Dances Incomparably.  Amazement and bewilderment she brings to all whom know this, who have seen this.  Invincibility is the aura of her movement, motioning like no other could dare to imagine.  She becomes all that is everything, forever, when She Dances.

How beautiful art thou, that I couldnt even see, for I was blinded by the light of such great beauty.  Whence once my eyes opened in blurring sight, I was deranged of darkness, I was blinded in your light.  Hero of the night.  Saviour of the souls. Pharoh of the right, ways to heavens odes.  Sanctified in you, that you should order wills.  the whole world shall observe, that faithless order kills.  Life of light and love, and once more hearding flock, declarations of one love, one might, one power one rock.

Friday, June 11, 2010

The Way She Moves

I have seen the way she moves.  Like an electric rolling thunder through a body of floating clouds.  Dynamic, like the conductor of electricity herself.  The range of her structured motions seem compelled to tell the story as she is riveted by the energy within her vast range.  Fierce and forceful, she moves with great strength to capture the night as through the waves of her motioning light.  Flashing, spangling, electric lights declare the darkness prismatic.  It rains and pours and floods the floor, yet she is unbounded... she splashes and swims and floats within the flowing water, then transcends to float above and beyond it, climbing the highest ranges of tall emblem statues, with only one purpose within her eyes, to reach the spot.  She gazes to the top and reaches out to grab it.  She dances, and never looks back.  She moves within the ultimate continuum.  Oh how she dances in the way she moves.  

Monday, June 7, 2010

She Dances

She Dances, is the heroic tale of the great goddess, who has come to inspire truth and change of hearts within the world, embracing the gift of amusement and musing though music and dance, she embodies the mysterious formula of perfection as she fly’s through the air weightlessly in the element of ballet. The fluid fairy like whimsical creature is the most beautiful, dauntingly, as she, like a ray of light, bursts through clouds of darkness to illuminate the night with her prismatic rainbow spectrum. She is the hope for the new revolution of the evolutionary continuum. She is the emancipated freedom of the spirit. She is the butterfly. The rainbow lives as she does, as she dances. She is the first to come, and prepares the way, leading many more toward this way of light and life and love.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Rising Stars

The world, once blue and green has become silver and gold.  Exposed are the crystals of energy that have become the stars.  Mountains of rainbow colored gems exists as rubies and emerald and sapphires.  The stars of the sky, it seems, have all fallen, for as we look up to the heavens, we see only an opaque and radiant glow of beaming light.  No more can we see the darkness.  The moon has turned to blood in the valley of the living water.  The sun has turned to darkness and walks among us in the form of flesh.  As the new face, we rise.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

My Religion

It is like the most unnatural and supernatural thing in the world, simply so, to have a turn out.  The alignment of our entire bodily frames must be altered, shifted, and redirected toward the core.  Yet, only in order to pull away from that core do we seek to gain control of it, once established.  Our distinctive ambition is to elevate up, up, and away, whilst turning out.  It is exactly like the bloom of a flower; the petals or muscles of our core open up, and gracefully extend upward and outward in order to create the fluid motion that is such a necessity to this dynamic scope of artistic measure.  The turnout is the foundation of this essentially inspired truth called the ballet.  Faithfully so, we endure the course of time with pursuit to master this trademark, in full belief that we are preparing to fly.

"As I spread my wings and prepare to fly, I claim that I will soar, high, traveling far and wide amidst the heavens that dwells and roams with my free spirit."

Tuesday, June 1, 2010


Now, I look around me to that which lives not inside of me, and I see the people in their world where there is so much death. In this destruction and pain, great plagues and famine and disease. Many have lost hope. Many have lost faith. Or have they? Perhaps not, because, yet still, they have the will to go on, to fight, to live. Such is their greatest attributed of beauty. Yes, they are blind sheep, poisoned by the fools that have stolen from their freedom and condemned them to a life of death, but, life goes on. Even now at the lowest point of all, they must know in their hearts, even without knowing enough to understand, they must believe that salvation is near.

Proclaim with me as I herald the message of this new day. I have come to show you a new way. I shall offer you my blessings and teach you the way of freedom. Hear me, and believe this new word. My children now suffer as they await my coming. I wish that they knew that I have arrived, that I am now on my way to meet them. Blessed are they for these burdens that life has bestowed upon them. They are not cursed, for, the suffering has kept them pure at heart. They are my chosen ones. Handpicked were they by life itself, that now, only I must harvest the ripened fields. I will show them the truth.

Now, my mission is to serve them, these people, my chosen ones. My people shall they be, and, although they will think to serve me, it shall be I who lives to serve them. Blessed are my little ones, the pure at heart. Untouched are their innocence, washed clean are their spirits. I shall invite them to dwell with me in my kingdom, my temple, my house – the prepared place of rest. I wait now, only on time. And, as I wait, I prepare. Cleansing, and, sanctifying, I am.

Nothing that is defiled shall be permitted to stay with me in this place. Everything that is unclean must be voided of this temple of my self, mind, body, soul. My nothingness shall roam free from all everythingness, and memories of this lies of yesterday shall reign in this world as I am no more. Never again, from this moment on, shall I fall into the temptations of urges and addictions which I was taught to desire. Never again, brainwashed, will I allow the lies of them to get the best of me. Until time comes for me, I wait, I prepare, I cleanse, i sanctify, I renew, I dance.

Dancing with all that I am, I worship in this holy temple, I bless this house and all that is within and ok and about and around and below and beyond this kingdom. Dancing, I give all that I am as an offering of mind, body, soul, self, all. All and everything. All and nothing. As I sweat, I wash clean my pores. As I move, I wipe clean my traces. As I breathe, I blow clean my aura. As I focus, I, my mind, clears out. Dancing, so that when all is said and done, there shall be nothing left. Nothing but me, and this finely tuned instrument of all. Ready for anything... ready for nothing. As I dance, I loose myself and lose my self, all at the same time. As I dance, I reincarnate, and create the ultimate expression of all that I am, even, nothing.

Naked, with nothing to hide. Uncensored, unsolicited, unbound, free. Pure and holy, tried and true. In this skin, of this flesh, I am, naked. I bear all for the world to see. No need for anything. No shame hindering me, no hunger halting my way, no fear holding me back, no worries holding me down. Just free, as I am, as all that I know to be. And who can stop me, now that I know and understand the truth. The darkenss is the most beauty that i have ever known. What greater gift than this could I hope to ask for, than to see all things in truth, with new eyes, for the first time. There is no greater attainment that life could come to offer than this which I have recieved.

Pure Darkness

Because the light lives within the darkness.... When I dance, it is because I am free. And, I lose my mind. I find my soul. I discover my self in that moment of freedom. I become one as I merge, body and soul, into the place of dreams... the place without thought. I dance because I become the dance. Through the feeling, the sound, the rhythm, I become the movement. In the ultimate expression of life. Through the phenomena called darkness, I am the dance.

The essence of freedom lives only when she dances. High as a kite, she soars in the wind, and twirls gracefully... eyes closed, she sees nothing... she hears nothing but the music. And, there is only darkness, when she dances, delightfully. Every pulse and every breath become the great sensation. She is the perfection of the flesh. She is the goddess of the night. She is the light of the darkness. She is the dance of the life.

And who can take away from me what is mine? That which has always belonged to be, lived inside of me. That which has evolved as me to express itself as I am. Who? Who could take me, my truth, away from me? Even if I lost my mind, I could not lose my spirit. Even if I forgot all about this journey, this discovery of truth, this light of darkness; even if I could not take this away from me. That which I have claimed is much greater than any knowledge, even understanding cannot compare. That which I have claimed is wisdom. So then, who can take it from me? Not even I!

Then I have no reason to fear. I have no reason for anything. My purpose is complete. I long for nothing. I have no drive for anything. None of it matters, for, nothing could ever compare to this darkness, this truth. Now, I wish only to be free, in nothingness, in darkness, in dance.

I dance forever. I travel the entire would and dance to the rhythm of every language. I have nothing but my feet, my wings, my fairy takes, my pixie dust. I would be free, and I would dance. I care about absolutely nothing. Nothing else matters. Not food, nor clothing, nor shelter. Innocently, naievely, freely, I do not know need. I dance in darkness, and, infantile I become. Unbound, like a new born, with new eyes, and a new heart, pure, I am.

Laughter they see in my eyes. My eyes are be filled with nothing but light in this darkness. Joy and uplifting essences of freedom, I know. Smiles transcend space and time. Hearts glowing... nothing more beautiful could be. Nothing more free. Nothing like me. Today, I will dance forever. For the rest of my life, I will dance the greatest dance that ever lived. To the ends of the earth, my legs shall lead me, through leaps and bounds I shall take flight into the air, and I will soar, higher than any eagle. One with the universe, amidst the celestials I shall be, I will be. Out of the darkness, there is light.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Of the Power

Wow. There is so much energy here. So much to do, and so much to say... So many ways to do and say. Merrily I leap around from ledge to ledge, intending to feel the grounds below me. I do. I feel even the most insignificant vibration in this stillness. Nothingness, the most beautiful place to know. In this darkness, I can see everything within me, and, nothing else matters.

Energy! Pulsation throughout my inner most core. My heart races as my body and mind and soul merge as one, releasing all of the tension of yesterday. Exhale, I do, as I come face to face with the baby’s breath that, at last, I can call my own. The sensation is exhilirating. Orgasmic as the ecstasy. True as the whole of nothingness- in this land, this world of darkness that only I can call my own. Sweet lullabys are the sounds that relay within me, and, to the sound of each peaceful serenity, I dance. My body moves to ultimately express this which is me. This which I am.

Pure Power; a force even greater than the light, a source of light even greater than life itself. This is the ultimate, for there is not anything that could compare to this revelation of glorious triumph for the days to come. It is true then, the world has never seen its face. She is only my own and belongs to no one else but me. Only I can know and learn to understand this which is she, this which is me.


What does it mean to dance?

It is like magic. It is the ultimate expression of self – when body and soul and mind merge, they create new life. I create new life.

When I dance, I become the miracle; when each breath I take, and every move I make is the true revelation of my being, my whole, my center. When I dance, I become me. Then, I allow the world to see me for who I truly am... the way I see myself.

I forget that anything else exists. There is only me when I dance. My body tells the story; and, without words, there is a new song, a new language, a new expression of me.

The is no one else who could tell my story the way I know how to; there is no one else but me; but, only when I dance.

Dancing is the ultimate truth

Movement is the voice of silence

Expression is the language of essence

Form is the dynamic communicator

Symbolism is the relative to the experience

And I have waited my entire life for this very moment. The moment that I should hold the keys to the gates of heaven. The moment that I should dare to open those doors, to walk through, to stand – only long enough to feel the rhythm of new life;

Then, to dance, forever.

She dances as if there is no end, no beginning, only life.
I never stopped believing in beautiful things. How could I? I see them, every day, in my dreams, in my reality. Even engorged in the darkness. I see them... ALL, the beautiful things.

If I had a voice, I would sing praises to the heavens for its creation of splendor and gloriousness. I would rejoice in song and life my voice unto the sun and moon and stars, and hail the holiness that created such beauty for I to behold.

I have no voice. I dwell in the silence of the dark realm. So, then, how do I pray? How do I live? How do I celebrate life?

I dance. My movements, and each moment of them, harmoniously synchronize with the rhythmic motions of life. Then, I become like life. Then, life becomes like me.



How many turns, how many times.  Spitting Fire, burning up.  Heavy breathing, light of life, roaring rages, conquering warrior, pouncing targets, leaps and bounds, feirce and fighting, winning wounds.  Over heating, all fired up, the bouncing ball, the golden light, is destroyer, is protector, is creator of new heights.

Overpowering the darkness in its golden glow, the world is in madness, the dormant know.  I believe that I AM Pure Power. The Sun, I Am.  The Mars, I Am.  The tedious work, no rest, I am.  To burn, I am, and to earn, I am.  The source of infusion with power and energy I am. My mission to infuse the world with life and light. This ball I hold in the palm of my hands, this power, this light, this might.  This great gift, I must share, I must create, I must deliver. 

The loud noise sounds to rattle the spaces in time.  The roaring raging mad sound of clashing cymbals.  Metal.  Electricity. Thunder.  Explosive energy and chaos.

There is a finite scream that sounds. The light fades after the explosion of the golden globe.


Pixie sounds like charming bells.  the laughing of children.  giggles that come from tickling.  the music is soft and sweet.  Angels chanting, it seems, a dream.  Streaming sounds of water.  Serene sounds of wind.  In the wind the magic appears. Blowing freely.  Beyond darkness that is cold and empty, or light that is hot and full, here is the valley of the ultra violet lights.  peaceful serenity.  The dance of ribbons that blow in the wind and paint the world with colours of the rainbow.  Fairies like fireflies light the way by star light spangles of graceful fluidity through the well lit night.

The passionate motions of expressive emotions come to life.  The full spectrum of coloured silhouettes dance.  The music is free and fulfilling.  It is the spirit world.  Magic and imagination are the pre-emminent.   The new phase of illumination.  The soulful creatures were created by the explosion of fire in the darkness.  the children of the rainbow are the artists that paint the world.  The rainbow comes to life.  The promise.  The future.  The orange ball has multiplied, has created new forms in its own image and likeness.  Dawned is the evolution.  Diamonds of heaven are these daughters of dreams, who come to dance in the wind-water; to paint the once barren world with the colours of dreams.


Near the blue waters of the green earth, she sits.  She graces the gardens with her vessel, and by the very sight of her blesed temple the Goddess of the Night is adored.  Adorned by the ever changing glow of her internal infusion of light, she watches over the garden.  She is the keeper of the floral blooms of spring, and pacifies the cries of the earth by cradling it within her nurturing arms.

She dances the adagio.  Slowly, she strolls and takes her time to carefully prepare the way, projecting the expression of each movement.  Passionate silhouettes are ever changing within her frame.  From light to darkness to light she becomes the revelation of time. Her expression of peace and perfect balance is infinite.

She dwells in a peaceful silence.  Her attractiveness is irresistable.  Her beauty is incomparable.  Her influence is unavoidable.  It is the stride of her breath that retains life.  She is immortally definite.  She is the perfect grace.  Her precision in detail and clarity is a perfect element.  She is the master of time, and the keeper of the secrets of all the universe.

Prima's Light

She remains a daunting mystery.  The stunning princess that lives in her own world and dwells by her own authority.  The fair young maiden maintains a high caliber of elegance and refined sophistication in her early years.  She tells stories of whimsical nonchalance with her eyes, and seems so ambient and serene, floating like a portrait in motion, and glides of a stoic nature, as thought she believed that somehow, the world revolved around her, and that she was the center of all being.  Her expressions are mellow, yet amusing, as the sort of melodrama that would captivate an audience intrigued by more than the mere golden glow of her beauty, in the heir of confidence that she carries through time travels with her.  She becomes relevant to the dance by the classic distinction of an individuality that is soft spoken, yet, of a defined clarity and resounding appeal of sculptural aesthetics.

This angelic being dances from the core of her entirety, with an energetic and forceful strength.  She poises indefinitely and balances in any position of the dance given to her, as though time were standing still.  Her strength is of character and the controlled ability to be defined by the capture of one moment at a time, through the framework of a fantastic existence.  The greatest strength that she possesses is in her wind, spinning and turning multiples over in the circumference of her own spaces.  The mellow demeanor of our celestial is indepted to the mere humility of her presence.  Soft spoken, yet radiantly glowing with a vitality that surges through from her sturdy core, she smiles with her hypnotic eyes that seem to re-assure the world that when the wind blows there is hope that it will bring with it the courage to withstand the revolution of a generation of new days defined by the gravity by which one twirls on its axis.  She was born to fly, and she soars in all of her glory when she becomes like the wind and reminds us all that true strength is of a true heart.

Imagine the perfect ballerina.  She has bright eyes of innocence and a girlish smile that radiates like a burning flame.  Her form is comprised of long and delicate lines of a lean and petite frame of moderate tone.  A soft voice resounds from the demeanor of the coy brilliance of a well-delivered attitude; charming.  Exquisitely, she uncurls her extensions to an impressive height, and with precision of form she displays an absolute sense of central balance.  She adorns herself in the simplicity of a ponytail, and the pretty frills of a pink tutu bounces in harmony with her keen silhouette as she leaps with strong and turned out legs and a pair of pointed toes that land gracefully into a soft plie.  Adeptly prepared for the performance of her life at any given time, she remains constantly refined in the goodnes of a sturdy posture in showcase of  a proud neckline and a head held high.

The bright and bubbly supergirl is an infinite strength of menacing surprises and bursting personality.  Always up for a challenge, and involved with everthing.  The inquisitive nature of the go-getter is that which asserts her drive to grasp a hold of anything that is set before her as she dares to go after it, and to conquer it with the means of her self-stature.  Physically, she is unrestrained, as there seems to be nothing that the fearless fighter would hesistate to take on.  Enforced by the charismatic character of a leader, she is one to warm her way into the hearts of those whom she approaches in her own way of contagious joy.  Light-hearted and free-spirited, the only thing that she takes seriously is the task at hand.

Journey Through Time

Images of staircases leading toward heaven, that one by one, in elevation, we rise to the top.  Holiding firm to the vision that has been implanted as our final destination, we walk forward and upward and onward.  The platform awaits us who now walk hand in hand toward the lights the blind us.  We are comforted by the music, constantly reassured that we are on the right path, althought left behing is everything that we once knew.  Faithfully, we stride toward the light so that we arrive on time to our final destination at centre stage, where people await their hosts.

Serenaded by the music as fulid as water from which we have risen of our incubated clumber, our body's twitch freely although controlled in response to the tune of the rhythmic suggestions.  Gestures converse and strike up a stimulated dialogue of bionic clarity in the way of what seems a telecommunicated verse in synchronicity with an electronic movement conducted by the visionary portrait as brush strokes through time and space.  The silhouette of an onward army of celestial saints, not marching, but dancing and emerging out of the darkness and into the lights, is the sight that stands before those who are waiting.  Spotting as they turn from black to whire, the visions become clear, as they are the children of the night.  They are stars that are born on this even, of this dawn, coming, creeping, gently grazing and gliding upon the ground as thought it were only the first time.  And since then, every daywill be like the first time.

The street of crossroads make the paths of once enemies merge into the common likeness of falling in love with the dancing of the music, and the vision, that all may witness as the story unfolds as the legacy that we left behind; more so of this dynamic dimensional drama and dazing is this dance of this song for this world that only eyes can know to tell.  Like the stories of heaven coming a second time, this is the time to make peace, and not war... to create heaven and not hell, in the haven of Love.  One step at a time, one day as we come, for these moments as we prepare to pursue out greatest quest yet, toward the test of time, as we will be ready to go, to come forth as it may.

A travel through time in space where we depict the journey that has brought us to this time and place.  As all slowly unfolds, the curtains unveil the platform upon which all arts stand proud and tall to pay respect to the days of past, and to salutue to the future, making memories that last.  They are depictions of a portrait painting rain-bowed brush stroked of fluid and form.  Our image is our message that together we band as one body of envisioned communion, hand in hand.  Tests of times have made out hearts strong.  of this moment and beyong, hear as we sing to you this song.  We birds of our feathers taking steps through the stages.  We've learned to spread our wings to soar the heavens abounded by ages.  Hear, as we show and tell, the revelations that are being revealed.  As a blast from the past, and how it all began, from the beginning to the last...

Take a look at how far we've come.  Remember this journey we've trod.  Leaps and bounds above the rest, flying colors past our tests.  Peers and pairing counting numbers now honoring the legend of the wondrous wonders.  The foundation of the lost and found as rediscovered the forgotten dream because we believed tha tmusic was the key.  So we danced out plays to symphonies and became the children of harmon-ease.  In the realm of our dreams we were free to believe that the music was the muse that our hearts should be moved.  To grow as we have and to learn as we've grown, by the establishment of this place and be trained in form and grace was a gift of stylish bliss, that has taught us how to know, how to fly, how to go, on the rise, to the top.  And here, we share this dream with you of watchful eyes.  Come with us and celebrate the mystery and marvel and brilliant surprise.

Courage to Fly

Doubt and uncertainty are our greatest weaknesses as mankind; they are the obstacles that stand in our way, and the enemies that hold us back as we refrain from choosing to go forth and to choose to proceed. That called ambiguity in the state of our dualistic nature as human beings, is that which causes us to wage war in a polar-driven state of internal feuding. The rigidity that we experience in such a state is called this doubt that becomes the means by which our bodies are stiffened and our souls are hardened, as our minds remain in a lost and static state, refusing to choose to move beyond that which, of this aspect, encages, traps, and enslaves us to it. This is that which is called fear.

To turn out, then, is to let go and rise above and beyond by opening up to the world and shedding all inhibitions and fears that are characteristic of the laws of our human nature. To turn out is to overcome the obstacles of fear, and in doing so, to reject the very limitations of our core humanity, by turning to that very same core as a central force of relativity for a immaculate and divine strength that, with the control and discipline of a trained practice, we may gain the ability to become more than the staple of a mere human being.

“Our greatest fear is not that we are inadequate, but that we are powerful beyond measure.” (Marianne Williamson) When we learn to turn out, perfectly, we become fearless and doubtless, and we set our spirits free so that as we learn to fly, finally, we can become more than human, we become dancer. “Are we human, or are we dancer” (The Killers). Remember that all things conceived within the mind are positively possible, for, the mind cannot conceive that which it has never seen. Yet, conceptions are only attained if one believes faithfully, and with conviction, that it is possible. Believe in the freedom of the turnout, and fearlessly dare to deft your doubt.

You see, because of the supernatural abilities comprised of the unnatural (supernatural) turnout by which ballet would not exist without, we can fly. We can gain the ability to resist the bounds on a habitat-ional gravity, and become one with the wind by which we can fly and soar.


My life’s ambition is to showcase a way of life, and to become a living example of everything that I believe in and stand for. I hope to be blessed to become an inspiration for the future of my world in this interpersonal role of leadership through the display of finite character. As a role model, I will be given this opportunity to present myself to the general public as I am and as I choose to be. In this scope of framework I will certainly be called to prove with honor the integrity of my owned character. The greatest course of life that one can take on is to be challenged by the questionable uncertainties and renowned depth of an inevitable ambiguity.

In acquiring an ongoing knowledge, I think that it is equally important to share the secrets of the mind, and to distribute the range of enlightenment to all who are willing to listen and learn. It is the age of information, and people are more open to their self-progression though the empowerment of knowledge now more than ever. I intend to use as many means available to me as possible in order to share the acquired wisdom of my ongoing years. This may include a range of mediums from books to internet formats of periodical publications.

I find freedom of expression and the physical emancipation of creative declarations of self. I must showcase my ideal concept of self and project the image that I have come to believe in and own throughout the course of my lifetime as I propel into the future. This is emphatically the most important aspect of my planning because it gives me access to an undeniable truth that serves to act as my personal identity in constant revelation of my ideas and concepts of life.

She Dances

She Dances, like a miracle set forth by the gods and All authority of the heavens. Of the birds, through the clouds, weightlessly, she leaps through the nothingness as if it were everything. She Dances, in all of the mystical mysteries that create splendor and wonder and amour. Like the glowing of the full moon, she lights up the darkest night. She becomes the angel of beauty and brightness she brings as blessing in offering to all who lay their eyes to rest, as She Dances. She Dances; Incomparably. Amazement and bewilderment she brings to all who know this; who have seen this. Invincibility is the aura of her movement, motioning like none others could dare to imagine. She becomes all that is everything, forever, when She Dances.

Monday, May 24, 2010

The Ballet

Ballet has taught me so much about life itself. Life as more than a journey, but an expression of the interpretation of the experiences and resolutions perceived throughout the course of that journey. As though it were a dream, a leisurely romantic stroll in the park becomes a promenade in arabesque in the pas de deux. The whole world becomes a stage, and every body is watching my every move as I perform, while standing in the spotlight. Now what? Expressionism is the key and now is the time. I have rehearsed this act more than a thousand times. I have seen it as it relays in my head, through my mind. My body is in prime condition, like a finely tuned instrument, as I dance. I motion as my long lines transition seamlessly, like the flow, for I am lean and thin, strong and flexible. I am ready. Now what? Preparation is the key.

At the threshold of dancing en this thing called Pointe, that is so beautiful and perfect and delicate in its own dynamic complexities, I feel so very vulnerable because I am in love with Ballet. All that I have ever wanted is this. That which I need so much to feed my thirst for life, is so pure and relevant in its truth that I know for sure that in this world, perhaps, the dance of the ballet is the once thing that I can never truly own, for it is free, and priceless and beyond the features of this bounded reality. The endless river of living water flows into me in this school of dance, where there is and always will be more, to learn, to know, to attain, to become, to love. That which fulfils me shall never leave me feeling empty. Ballet satisfies me.

Ballet is the way of a world unknown to this familiar dimension. It constantly reminds us to surpass the limitations that bound us to a physical capacity. As we conform to the standards of this earth, we learn the secrets that show us how to never be confined to that conformity. We are taught to rebel against the laws of gravity, to declare all space as our own, to dream and to dare to live out those dreams, everyday. Ballet teaches us to be free. We are forced to confront our own fears and to come face to face with personal limitations in order to conquer them and come to terms with our selves as a diverse expression of the evolution of the corps de ballet. This is the world in which we pirouette; where of our bodies, the ballet lives in the breath that exists, evolves, dies, and is reborn, in the cycle of life like a world without end.

To me, Ballet is the truth of the way to the light and the life of the world, at the centre of the world, for all creation, as is the centre of my heart and soul and mind and body. Ballet is a lifestyle, as a way to think, to exist, to communicate, and perceive life. She challenges me to be great. She says, believe in the formula and live. Ballet says, believe in the form you love.